• How do I control my notifications from Learning Edge (Blackboard)? 

    In Learning Edge, you’re able to set how often you would like to receive email notifications from your course area – You can set to receive them as they happen or can instead opt for all updates to be delivered once per day at approximately 5:30pm in “Daily Notifications” email. You can also specify the…

  • ? Sharing admiration for the Teaching Online Reading Group: @EHU_TORG.

    The journey so far – blog number 1… In the beginning… In 2020 the Teaching Online Reading Group (TORG) for academic staff members was launched, via MS Teams by Dr Claire Hawkins, Senior Lecturer in Primary Computing Education and Sonia Edwards, Academic Engagement Manager in Library and Learning Services. The aim is to provide a…

  • Edge Hill has its very own Mobile App!

    After some careful time in development the very first dedicated Edge Hill University app is now available on Android as well as iOS! Available via free download from the Apple Apps or Google Play stores, the new app brings together useful and interesting features, functions and fun – from Flickr and YouTube to Blackboard Mobile…

  • Exciting new editing software from Avid

    Avid is here!!. Our new editing software has now arrived and is up and running.  For those of you who don’t not what we are promoting…It’s the latest industry standard professional editing systems designed and built by Avid, there was a slight delay in getting these installed as we were holding out for the latest…

  • Emerging Technologies Staff Development Monday 21 November 2011 – The Right Image For Blackboard

    Want to learn how to make your images more accessible? By optimising them you are creating a resource which is both less demanding on Blackboard and eShare storage and also more usable by your intended audience. Image optimisation is using the most compressed (smallest file size) which remains visually acceptable for the specific role of…

  • Log off to allow a log on!

    Just a reminder that you need to log off a University PC correctly so that it is instantly available for other students… 1. Close down all desk top applications and log out fully from the ‘GO’ portal. 2. Click on the start icon (bottom left of screen)  – the shutdown menu box will appear. 3. Click on the arrow…

  • The Mobile Library Catalogue is here!

    We currently have a trial of a mobile version of the Library Catalogue. It is from Library Thing and is called Library Anywhere. It would be great if you could try it and feedback what you think. Ideas for what links should be on the first screen would also be welcomed. The Catalogue search is…

  • Make the Web Come to You: Simple tools and techniques that keep you in the loop

    Do you want to keep track of the online debates and conversations taking place in your community of practice and beyond? Do you struggle to find time to check what is being said through all the relevant web sites, blogs, journals and social networking sites? As part of the Emerging Technologies series this 1 hour…

  • Did You Know…

    That Learning Services has a division of highly skilled staff, the Media and ICT Resource Division who look after all of the Media and ICT (Information Communication Technology) resources? It is committed to the enhancement of student learning and the learning environment through a dynamic approach to the support, development, management and exploration of learning technologies.…

  • Did you know…

    That Learning Services provide support for the AV technology within the classroom or lecture theatre environment. If you are in a classroom and are experiencing a problem, your first point of contact would be to call the Learning Services helpline on ext 4286. We provide three operational levels of technical support; Level 1 – The…