• Campus Pack: more than just an ePortfolio

    Over the past few months we have been evaluating Campus Pack: a powerful ‘building block’ to further extend the potential of Learning Edge. It offers all students a personal area where they can create blogs, wikis, journals and podcasts, and allows us to build templates for things like CVs, ePortfolios, and PDP. As students own…

  • Did you know… We’re keeping up with Emerging Technology

    We’ve been using technology in teaching for years, some of it for so long that we don’t even think of it as technology any more. Keeping up to date with delivery techniques helps ensure a good experience for our students. Here in the Learning Technology Development team we look for up and coming ideas that…

  • Collaboration for Success

    On Monday 28th March a new work-based MA Education Programme, from the Faculty of Education, was approved (with some conditions) at Institutional validation and notably received a commendation for the “teamwork and the holistic approach to the intelligent use of technology”. This is welcome recognition of the invaluable collaborations between Faculties and Learning Services which…

  • Finding a computer on campus….

    You have told us that not being able to get on a computer when you need to is very frustrating.  We are working hard to make sure that our customers know about the range of open access PCs as well as bookable rooms and access to lap tops….   1. In the University library Ground Floor:…

  • Lights, Camera and Action

    A week has passed since Peter Salmon, the Director of BBC North, opened our new High Definition (HD) studio in the LINC building. I must say it was a real coup for us to have Peter take time out of his very busy schedule and officially open the new facility. Peter is a major player…

  • Two e-learning blogs I sometimes use.

    Hi Here are a couple of blogs which I’ve found interesting and or useful over the past few months.  The first is Janes e-learning pick of the day: http://janeknight.typdpad.com.  Jane’s “Top 100” has signposted to unknown and reinforced known technologies and services. The second is one I stumbled apon – and then got more interested…