• Assistive technology

    Learning Services has a  newly developed space which provides access to a range of assistive technology to support all learners.  The new space provides an inclusive environment with space for working individually or in pairs. The space is also bookable. The  PCs have: Inspiration Mindview Read & Write And in addition to the assistive software: Height adjustable…

  • Get Connected with Learning Services

    We are looking forward to providing a warm welcome to new (and returning!) students and week commencing 22nd September will see the return of our successful Get Connected activities in the University library and Hub. Last year we welcomed 353 students for tours at the University library and just over 1,000 students came to see us…

  • Learning Services newsletter – spotlight on technology enhanced learning and media and ICT

    And so September and First Week planning begins….The latest edition of the Learning Services newsletter is a special issue dedicated to all those summer planning activities! Find out about VLE enhancements, opportunities for training & development and the latest upgrade to Blackboard. Articles include news to update academic colleagues both around the Blackboard upgrade and the…

  • What are your views about library charges?

    We are currently exploring how we can improve our offer in terms of students/staff borrowing from the University Library. Our aim is to have a more flexible service, and to minimize charges. We are keen to hear your views about our fines and renewals policies. We have a really short survey which if you could get involved…

  • Developing Digital Excellence sessions

    We are offering a number of sessions in April which we hope will support and development staff skills in terms of using technology. There are two sessions within our Digital Practitioner strand, including a session around using tools within Campus Pack to develop students portfolio skills. The Digital Practitioner Learn And Interact At The Touch…

  • Have you noticed anything different?…..

    Have you taken a look at the new Learning Services web pages.? We launched our new pages on Friday 7th March using the new WordPress template, which is now used by many areas and departments across the University. The new templates and widgets, which have been developed by our colleagues in the Web Team, offer…

  • Your chance to see the new broadcast TV Studio

    Developing Digital Excellence Event Thursday 13th February 1.00pm This Thursday, the TV Studio Manager Ian Steel will be leading a tour of the new broadcast HD TV Studio in Creative Edge. Staff from across the University are invited along to come and see the cameras, lighting and mixing galleries within the studio. The studio houses…

  • Problems accessing Discover More

    Learning Services would like to apologise for the technical issues we are experiencing with our Discover More service.  If you use Discover More to access content, you will find errors as you try to login in. Content – eBooks and eJournals – from other publishers  eg Science Direct, Proquest, InterNurse are still  accessible directly from…

  • Staff Development in January

    Make the most of the new year and any new devices you might have got as a Christmas gift, and come along to one of our Developing Digital Excellence staff sessions. In January we have sessions running within the Digital Practitioner strand which will focus on getting the most from your mobile device and the digital…

  • Christmas read – treat yourself to a Learning Services newsletter

    Learning Services would like to share with you some of the exciting developments which have happened over the past few months. It’s been a busy term for lots of our teams’ who have been involved in developments and improvements with media loans; skills and employability events; and new help and support available via the web…