• 5 ways your visit to Catalyst will be different….

    1. New opening hoursWe are now open 8am–8pm (Monday–Friday) and 10am–6pm (Saturday and Sunday). Be sure to plan your visit around these times. We’ll be reviewing opening times in future months, so be sure to check our webpages for the latest. 2. Swipe entryBefore you visit, please bring your UniCard or staff card – you’ll need this…

  • Plan your visit to Catalyst

    Hello, welcome, nice to see you again! Tuesday 1st September marks the official reopening of the entire Catalyst building, with all floors available to students and staff. We also welcome our wonderful Helpdesk Team back into the building. They have been doing a fantastic job supporting students and staff virtually for the last 6 months. Whilst…

  • Catalyst now open but don’t forget your Unicard!

    We have re-opened the ground floor of Catalyst and launched our Click and Collect Service as of Thursday 13th August. Here’s what you need to know about visiting Catalyst in August.  Our opening times are Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm  You will need your UniCard to access the building as you are required to…

  • Catalyst news

    We are pleased to announce that we will be re-opening the ground floor of Catalyst on the 13th August at 9.00am . We are just finishing off checking all of our safety measures and we look forward to seeing you on the 13th. You will be able to: Use the brand new ‘Click and Collect’…

  • We Are Getting Ready to Welcome You Back

    Hello everyone! How are we all doing? It’s been a while since we shared any news about Catalyst and we’d like to thank you for your patience over the last few months. We have all missed our beautiful building and campus – these lovely flowers have greeted us this week. We wanted to share with…

  • Pure Research Information Repository now launched

    You may have heard about the new research information and management system – Pure.  Pure now contains all the outputs previously available in EHRA (Edge Hill Research Archive). The previous online form you may have used to submit your research outputs has now been retired and is no longer available. Pure is entirely browser-based so…

  • Pure research management repository: coming soon…

    You may have heard about the new research management repository – Pure.  When Pure fully launches on Wednesday 17th April, it will also contain all the outputs which would have previously been available in EHRA (Edge Hill Research Archive).  All research outputs will have a new home in Pure. The new system isn’t available to…

  • Cite This For Me

    All Edge Hill RefMe users were emailed about 6 weeks ago to let them know that the service was changing. RefMe has now become Cite This for Me and you can no longer access RefMe.  If you use the app or the RefMe website you will be directed to the brand new Cite This For…

  • Do you use RefMe?

    If you are a RefMe user you will have received an email about 4 weeks ago all about the up and coming changes. If you have references in  RefMe, you need to export them before 7th March 2017 and your best option is to use RefWorks. You can Import your references into Edge Hill’s reference management…

  • Study Apps

    Over the last academic year Learning Services have undertaken 2 projects to identify apps that can support study for our students. The first project, led by Andrew Billington, aimed to identify apps that could be used to support students with note taking, as a result of changes to the Disability Students Allowance. The second project,…