• Using Content Copy to Copy Items Between Blackboard Areas Mid-Year

    Have you ever wanted to copy a few items between Blackboard areas part way through a module?

  • Adding Images to Blackboard Document Pages

    What are Document Pages? Blackboard Document pages enable easy creation of web pages within Blackboard. These pages can contain a range of items including text, images, Microsoft Office documents, multiple choice questions, and embedded YouTube videos.

  • Quick Ways to Improve the Student Experience

    Improving the student experience, including their experience of organisation and management, is very important. Student feedback shows there are a few things that they would appreciate from your Blackboard areas. In this post we show how you could make some quick changes that would help students. 1. Identify the module leader clearly. If a number…

  • Flexible Grading for Blackboard Tests

    The Flexible Grading view has now been added to Blackboard. Essentially Flexible Grading means you have the option to mark tests by student or by question. For example if you want to mark everyone’s answers to question one before moving on to question two, the workflow is now quick and simple. Flexible Grading makes small…

  • Getting Started Using ‘Generative AI’ Tools

    With the growth in awareness and use of ‘Generative AI’ tools, there are a lot of things that Universities need to do and consider. One of the things we want to do is to help academic staff improve their understanding of these tools so they can talk more confidently to students about them. To help…

  • LinkedIn Learning: Using Skill Evaluations and Skill Assessments to Develop Your Understanding

    If you use the video courses on LinkedIn Learning you may be interested in Skill Evaluations. These are self-evaluations of your knowledge. Links to Skill Evaluations can be found at the top of LinkedIn Learning’s search results pages. After completion you are given suggestions of courses suitable for your skill levels. LinkedIn also has Skill…

  • Introducing the New Search Tool in Blackboard Learn Ultra

    Do your students ever struggle to find items in Blackboard? The new Search feature may help them and it will be available in Ultra courses by Friday the 7th of April. The tool can help students to search for the titles of Folders, Document pages, files, and Tests. Over the next few months, Blackboard plan…

  • Creating Collections in LinkedIn Learning

    Have you ever been exploring a topic in LinkedIn Learning and wanted to create a playlist for your own use or to share? LinkedIn Learning offers a Collections feature for this purpose. Here’s a Collection that I’ve created and made available to Edge Hill University users.

  • A Process for Assignments that Require Submission of a Recorded Presentation

    Some assignments require students to submit a recording of a presentation, either as a video file or a PowerPoint file that contains audio. The 100MB file size limit in Turnitin occasionally causes problems for students during submission of this type of assignment. Therefore we have documented a process that uses Blackboard’s Assignment tool for submission.…

  • Encourage Student Engagement with Key Texts: Join the Talis Elevate Pilot

    Talis Elevate is a tool for collaboratively annotating learning resources, including PDF documents, images and videos. It can be used within Blackboard Ultra course areas. Elevate has been used for a range of purposes, including encouraging close reading, promoting active reading, recording and analysing student interaction with resources, and for activities that feed into class…