‘Digital Practitioner Series – What’s New With Service Pack 8’ – Thursday 6th September 2012
The next session in the Digital Practitioner staff development series will look at the recent update to Blackboard – Service Pack 8. Service Pack 8 was applied in July and adds improvements such as a new Text Editor, full support for Google’s Chrome browser, and a clearer interface. In this session we will show you…
Campus Pack: An Introduction to Wikis
Campus Pack is a new addition to Learning Edge and one of the tools that comes with it is a Wiki tool. Wikis were originally created as a very simple way to put information online, that all users could edit. They weren’t designed to look pretty, just to be quick and easy to use. Wikis…
‘Using Clicker Systems for Classroom Interactivity’ – Session Notes
For those who couldn’t make it to this week’s session on using ‘Clickers’ in teaching and learning, I thought it would be worth making the session notes available. The notes introduce Clicker systems, how they are used, benefits and challenges related to their use, and practical information on using them in the Edge Hill University…
‘Using Clicker Systems for Classroom Interactivity’ – Wednesday 2nd May at 1PM
The next session in the Emerging Technologies staff development series will be an overview of using Clicker systems (such as TurningPoint and Optivote) with your students. Clickers are also known as Audience Response systems and are used in a variety of ways, with aims such as increasing engagement, allowing students to answer questions in class…
Using Audio and Video in Teaching and Learning: Session Notes
For those who couldn’t make it to last week’s session on using audio and video in teaching and learning, I thought it would be worth making the session notes more widely available. The notes cover the main areas that we talked about. They will be developed further over time, and as we run the session…
Where can I find help, support and training for Learning Edge?
As many staff will be aware, we’re in the process of moving over to ‘Learning Edge’ (Blackboard 9.1). Many of our academic teams have already received training on the new system as part of the ‘systems migration’ and we are arranging additional sessions in consultation with each faculty. Please contact your faculty champions for more…
Blackboard 9.1 Academic Staff Development Launches in FAS
Following on from recent work preparing the departmental administration teams to use Blackboard, we have now started working with the academic staff in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to prepare them for the upgrade. The process has begun with face-to-face sessions being delivered to each department with the aim of making sure everyone can…