• Using Blackboard Collaborate for personal tutorials

    The use of Blackboard Collaborate for personal tutorials including those students who are studying remotely What happens? The use of the full range of tools in Collaborate has enabled us in the MaST team to devote personal time to students, focusing on their specific needs, and at times that suit them.  It provides an opportunity…

  • Supporting transitions

    Activities to support transitions between levels 4-6, and into employment and further study What happens? Discrete sessions dedicated to student transitions that are personalised to reflect the cohort’s and individual students’ previous experiences and achievements as well as feeding forward towards the next level of studies. This feature is fully transferable to any full-time undergraduate…

  • Supporting transitions with assessment

    Promoting students’ understanding of assessment (marking and feedback) at key transition points within the programme What happens? At the transition points within the programme (induction; L4 to L5; L5 to L6) students will be led through a session which supports them in understanding the increased academic expectations and the Department’s approach to providing them with…

  • Students as Digital Leaders

    The selection of students as ‘Digital Leaders’ (DL) to support staff and other students in using digital learning technologies What happens? Students apply for a DL role and go through a selection procedure which includes a presentation. They work with the Department’s TEL Lead with the intention of supporting tutors’ use of TEL and being…

  • Alumni to support transitions and improve retention

    As part of the Department’s Careers and Employability Week for all Level 5 and 6 students, the Department engages with alumni, particularly their involvement in the Careers and Employability Week and fieldtrips What happens? A number of alumni deliver short presentations on their career path since graduation and how they have applied the knowledge and…

  • Embedding research skills

    Embedding of research skills at all Levels of the programme Embedding research skills at all Levels allows for a gradual progression in the sophistication of techniques and approaches introduced and applied as a student progresses through the programme, so that they have a range of research skills at Level 6 that can be applied in…

  • Developing a Work Placement Module

    Work Placement Module The Work Placement Module was allied to relevant employment areas and also often utilised to provide questions for dissertation work with results reported to site if appropriate. What was the impact? Enthused by experience of seeing subject skills in work context. If dissertation evolves from placement, there is satisfaction in addressing an…