We’ve been using technology in teaching for years, some of it for so long that we don’t even think of it as technology any more. Keeping up to date with delivery techniques helps ensure a good experience for our students.
Here in the Learning Technology Development team we look for up and coming ideas that are attracting the interests of academic staff and students. Although new technology is sometimes seen as the answer to a question that was never asked, after a while someone will attempt to use it to help learning. By following the experiences of these early adopters we are able to assist the uptake of new technology, and the development of techniques to use it for a wider audience.
So where does technology emerge from and how can you keep up to date?
There are many web-sites, and social / professional networks that can provide insight into what’s happening now and what’s coming up…
- Check the Horizon Report from EDUCAUSE
- Search for “Learning Technology” on Twitter
- Join the Integrating Technology in Learning group on LinkedIn
- Subscribe to ZaidLearn on Blogger
The Learning Technology Development team have recently been delivering sessions to showcase Emerging Technologies. The first covered applications for QR-Codes, the second shared experiences with Professional Blogs, and we have a third planned for 20th May on using the iPad (Edge Hill University staff can book here). We also have ideas for future sessions including Cloud Computing, Creative Digital Technologies, Assessing On-line and Staying Technology Aware, but what we’d really like to know is…
Are there Emerging Technologies that you’d like a closer look at? Let us know in a comment.
Alternatively contact us directly at [email protected]
Mark Ayton
Learning Technology Development Manager (ext. 7758)