• Learning Services in Manchester

    New Centre..New Library

     Development of Learner Support at Armstrong House- Manchester

    Learning services have been working in collaboration with colleagues from the Faculty of Health to develop facilities and resources in Manchester

    The new library and learning space on the ground floor has:

                 Help and Support desk for library and information queries

                 Self Issue and Return

                 New study space with extra tables and chairs

                 Casual seating for group discussions

                 Library space and shelving for books and journals

                 PCs and printing


     4th Floor ICT Suite and Student Social Space has:

                 26 brand new PCs and printing

                 New study space with extra tables and chairs

                 Casual seating for group discussions


     A new team of staff are providing help and support with library and information skills, study skills, using the library and materials, IT queries and getting the most from Learning Services. 

    This is an exciting opportunity for us and the student feedback we have had so far has been very positive.  If you are a Manchester based student, please gives us your feedback.

  • New Collection of Ejournals

    We have taken out a subscription to the entire collection of journals from the publisher “Walter de Gruyter”. This is an interdisciplinary collection of over 100 titles. All the titles are now in the library catalogue and can be accessed at Walter De Gruyter Journals

  • Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS)

    We now have access to Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily Reports 1974-1996. FBIS Daily Reports offer foreign views and perspectives on historical events from thousands of monitored broadcasts and publications. Translated into English from more than 50 languages these comprehensive media reports from around the globe include news, interviews, speeches and editorial commentary. We have access to the following sections of FBIS:

    * Middle East and North Africa, 1974–1987
    * Near East and South Asia, 1987–1996
    * South Asia, 1980–1987
    * Sub-Saharan Africa, 1974–1980 and Africa, 1987–1996
    * Eastern Europe, 1974–1996

    FBIS can be accessed from the library catalogue at FBIS


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