Term time opening will commence on Monday 3rd September at the University Library, and at some of our sites. At the University Library, in response to student feedback, we have extended midnight opening to include Fridays and will cover 35 weeks over the academic year. Click here for full details of opening hours at all our sites.
Self Service facilities now include a coin payment option on one of the self-issue machines, which means you can still pay your fines and borrow books once the help desk is closed, and £2 photocopy cards are available from the vending machine in the foyer.
We have had all our light fittings replaced over the last 2 weeks and you will notice a much brighter Library once you return. The lights are now LED, which as well as creating a much brighter environment, will significantly lower energy consumption and carbon emissions. Reducing energy has been a priority at Edge Hill for many years & the University is committed to reducing its carbon footprint above the HE sector targets. Read more about the University’s Environment strategy on the Sustainabilty web pages.
We are expecting a delivery of new furniture, for the 1st Floor, in the next couple of weeks so please bear with us while we are preparing for this. Once in place we hope you agree the quality of the study spaces will be greatly improved.
Cathy Carey – Learning Spaces Coordinator