• Technology Supported Learning – Lecture Capture

    Technology Supported Learning – Lecture Capture

    “Presenting Performance and Practice” Kevin Henshaw is a Senior Lecture in Operating Department Practice, Kevin has been involved in a project piloting the use of Panopto software to record students performing presentations and clinical skill procedures for summative assessment. Panopto software provides lecture capture, screencasting, video streaming, and video content management solutions.  The  Panopto  lecture/media…

  • Technology Supported Learning – Submission Possible with SafeAssign

    Technology Supported Learning – Submission Possible with SafeAssign

    Last year the Professional Education Team started to explore current options for electronic submission at Edge Hill University.   Mark Sutcliffe (Senior Lecturer in Professional Education) shares his experience of SafeAssign, part of the Blackboard Assignment Submission offer, in support of the challenges faced by students with academic writing. “Prior to using SafeAssign I had known…

  • Technology Supported Learning – Using Student Journals to Understand the Student Experience

    Technology Supported Learning – Using Student Journals to Understand the Student Experience

    The Journals tool in Blackboard is a private space where students can post opinions, ideas and concerns. This case study, shared by Maria McCann (Widening Participation Manager), describes how the Journals tool was used within a research project, to understand the living, learning and emotional journeys of around 100 new students’ in their first term…

  • Technology Supported Learning – Making Use of BoB!

    Technology Supported Learning – Making Use of BoB!

    In this case study you will hear how BoB (Box of Broadcasts) National is enhancing teaching and module content.  BoB National is a media rich online archive service that allows you to record and watch TV programmes from any internet enabled device including a Smart TV, PC, and mobile device. The services is widely available…

  • Technology Supported Learning – A Wright Rubric

    Technology Supported Learning – A Wright Rubric

    Andrea Wright – FLM3023 (CW1) This summer, for the first time, Film Studies moved over to marking using Turnitin, and we decided that we wanted to make that marking as useful to the students as possible by indicating how they were scoring in relation to the grade criteria of 0-100, how well they were meeting…

  • Blackboard Collaborate Video Case Study 3 of 3

    Blackboard Collaborate Video Case Study 3 of 3

    Third and final case study in the series (part 1 and part 2) Caroline Galon, Graduate Teaching Assistant, in Performing Arts, explains the importance of mastering any new technology and how Blackboard Collaborate provides her with the most stable and reliable platform from which to conduct her research interviews. Caroline tell us how crucial it…

  • Blackboard Collaborate Case Study 2 of 3

    Blackboard Collaborate Case Study 2 of 3

    Lesley Briscoe, Senior Lecturer on the International Midwifery Programme.  Lesley explains in this the second in a series of three video case studies (click to view the first in the series), the challenges of delivering a programme aimed at both conventional students and those accessing the programme online and from overseas. She goes on to mention the…

  • Blackboard Collaborate – Video Case Study 1 of 3

    Blackboard Collaborate – Video Case Study 1 of 3

    David Callaghan is a Learning Technologist and an Associate Tutor for the Faculty of Education on the Undergraduate Professional Development Programme, a blended course – delivered mostly online – via our Blackboard VLE and the Collaborate web conferencing system, with some face to face conference days.  So, he can also practice what he preaches. Collaborate is…

  • iSpring: Video Case Study 3 of 3

    iSpring Early Adopters Project: Video Case Study 3 In the Learning Technology Development team we’ve recently completed the early adopters’ project in the use of iSpring. Following on from Sertip and Maggies previous videos, we would now like to introduce Carl Simmons from the Faculty of Education. Carl shares his experience and advice from the iSpring…

  • iSpring: Video Case Study 2 of 3

    iSpring: Video Case Study 2 of 3

    iSpring Early Adopters Project: Video Case Study 2 In the Learning Technology Development team we’ve recently completed the early adopters’ project in the use of iSpring. Following on from Sertip in last month’s case study, we would now like to introduce Maggie Webster from the Faculty of Education. Maggie shares her experience in the iSpring…