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Andrea Wright – FLM3023 (CW1)
Good Practice Award
This summer, for the first time, Film Studies moved over to marking using Turnitin, and we decided that we wanted to make that marking as useful to the students as possible by indicating how they were scoring in relation to the grade criteria of 0-100, how well they were meeting the LOs and also by preserving some personal feedback that we have always used and been praised for by external examiners.

After help from Martin and Carol [in the Learning Technology Development Team], it became clear that rubrics, in conjunction with quick marks and a personal comments would be the best way to achieve this. We removed the numerical scoring from the rubric and used our existing levels 4, 5 and 6 grade descriptors to create three generic rubrics that could be shared with all the module leaders. Each of the module leaders then added the specific LOs for each of their assignments to the rubric and attached it to modules. That way, all students in each level would score against a common criteria and also specific LOs for each module.

Quick Marks, Film Studies Set


In terms of the quick marks, while many of the general, provided ones are useful, there are also certain things that Film Studies regularly comments on – including italicising in film titles, making sure there is a reference for each film, adding names of actors, how to handle quotations and so on. I asked around the team and created a collaborative list from the feedback. I then created a new quick mark set and shared this with the team in addition to the rubric.

FLM3023_3   FLM3023_2

The overall result is that we have a good, standardised way of approaching marking across the programme and students can expect a consistent experience across the modules that they are studying. So far, student feedback from the third years has been overwhelmingly positive and a number have commented, in particular, that they have found the marking very clear and beneficial.

If you are interested in following in Andrea’s footsteps please get in touch with the Learning Technology Team in Learning Services and we can show you some other examples of what other departments are doing with rubrics and you can see if you would benefit from adopting a similar approach.

Click to view YouTube video playlist setting-up and using Turnitin Rubric




Andrea Wright
Senior Lecturer – Film Studies





Carol Chatten
Learning Technology Development Officer – FAS


Martin Baxter



Martin Baxter
Learning Technology Development Officer – FAS