• Download ebooks to your Kindle Fire, iPhone, iPad, Android or Sony eReader

    Did you know you can download an ebook, or a section of an ebook to read offline? Two ebook providers, Ebrary and Dawson, offer this option, allowing you the convenience of downloading and reading information for when you haven’t got an internet connection. Ebrary You can create an image PDF of a specific chapter or…

  • New Material for all our Libraries

    All the material in our University libraries has been suggested and recommended by the academic staff in liaison with staff from our Academic Services and Information Resources teams and –a very successful collaborative effort! Since the start of the academic year, 2011/2012 up to today, we can report that, we have placed, 4681 orders with…

  • New material for all our Libraries – it is all about resources!

    All the material in our University libraries has been suggested and recommended by the academic staff in liaison with staff from our Information Resources and Academic services teams – a very successful collaborative effort! From the start of the 2010/2011 academic year up to today, we can report that 7,868 new items have been added to…