• It’s the most wonderful time of the year…

    Or it will be once your assignments are handed in and you make a head start on that January revision! To help you on the way to success the University Library is open non-stop right up to midnight on Friday 18th December and we only close for Christmas on the 24th December. During the festive…

  • Help us make our Xmas tree appy!

    On Friday the 29th of November in the University Library we’re going to have some fun decorating a Christmas tree. But we’re not going to be using just any decorations! We’d like you to tell us what your favourite apps are and we’ll turn your answers into our appy decorations. We’d love you to participate,…

  • Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th December 2011 – We are open!!!

    If you’re looking for an escape from the chocolates and mince pies don’t forget the University Library is open today. 9.00am – 5pm You can access all the Library resources, computers and study spaces as well as the Welcome Desk on the Ground Floor. Our helpline is also available during these hours on 01695 584286…

  • University Library additional Christmas Opening 2011

    For the fourth year running, and in response to customer feedback, the University Library at Ormskirk will once again be open for two extra days during the Christmas break. If you need that extra bit of peace and quiet to work in, please do come in and access all the Library resources, computers, study spaces…

  • Christmas at the University Library

    For the third year running and in response to customer feedback, the University Library at Ormskirk will be open for two extra days during the Christmas period. This is a great chance to use the Library’s resources, study spaces and help desks. So, if you need that bit of extra time and space to revise…