• Over half a million what?

    Did you know the Library Catalogue can be used to access over 17,000 E-Journals? In the last academic year (2010/2011) you downloaded over half a million articles. The favourite databases with the top downloaded usage by faculty were: Faculty of Health and Social Care  Proquest Nursing Journals  57,064 full text articles Faculty of Arts and…

  • Don’t fall through the gap…

    Just a quick reminder that  we start our Bridging the Gap drop-ins on Tuesday 6th December.    We are here to help you improve your research and writing skills and be me more confident. Drop in with your questions. How do I ……. …. find a journal article? …..reference an e-book? …..plan an essay? …..structure…

  • Did you know….. how we manage your reading lists?

    Each year Learning Services requests that academic staff  submit their reading lists for checking and ordering. A brief summary of the process follows: Academic staff email us their reading lists which should include student numbers and module semester dates Information Resources staff check the reading lists against the library catalogue Book suppliers web sites are checked for the…

  • Learning Services in Manchester

    New Centre..New Library  Development of Learner Support at Armstrong House- Manchester Learning services have been working in collaboration with colleagues from the Faculty of Health to develop facilities and resources in Manchester The new library and learning space on the ground floor has:              Help and Support desk for library and information queries              Self…