Do you struggle with referencing? Are you not sure of the difference between proofreading and editing? Or would you like to find a happy and healthy study-life balance?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then our fantastic #NextSteps for Academic Success drop in and webinars could be right up your street!

What is #NextSteps?
#NextSteps are a follow up to #FindYourFeet, which you may have joined us for in January, but even if you didn’t you can still come along and learn a lot.
#NextSteps sessions are designed and delivered by your Student Advisors especially for you! Whether you’re a first year wanting to develop your academic skills, or you’ve been here a while and just need a refresher on the basics.
Your Student Advisors will show you how to:
- Getting the most out of your library resources (Discover More | Reading Lists Online | Subject Resources)
- Your referencing resources – toolkits, guides and top tips
- Proofreading proficiency – strategies for checking your assignments ahead of submission
- Achieving and maintaining a good study-life balance
- Demystify academic terminology with a Jargon busting Q&A opportunity
Drop-in and chat to your Student Advisors every day Monday 6 to Friday 10 March on Catalyst ground floor (12pm-2pm) or attend online 3pm-4pm. Book your place today!
Got a Catalyst Crush?
Throughout #NextSteps drop-ins you’ll also be able to take part in the final week of the Catalyst Communications Survey. There will be a physical jar poll, lots of love hearts and opportunity to tell your Student Advisors what you love (or loathe) about how Catalyst specialist support teams communicate with you.
And by completing the 3-minute survey you could be in with a chance of winning up to £200* to spend pretty much however you like! *Terms and conditions apply.

So, drop-in all week or join us online to take your next steps to academic success and have a chat with your Student Advisors about how you would spend that £200!
We look forward to seeing you soon!