As we’ve mentioned before Library and Learning Services are no stranger to supporting students online and already offer a well-established digital library service…but we wanted to make sure you have a quick and easy list of just how (and who) to contact for more help and support!

Online Assessments
For a lot of students, the online assessment period started on Monday 18th May and will run until Friday 5th June, so it’s important to know how to access support should you need it…
- Subject Specific Support: if you need any help with your subject specific content, the first person you should contact is your tutor or academic department. This includes if you are struggling with any deadline dates or understanding what you have been asked to do. Your tutors will be able to offer further guidance on these types of queries.
- Technical Problems: the Catalyst Helpdesk team are offering extended opening hours, and will be open from 7am on all assessment submission days, to support you as you complete and submit your assessment. You can contact the Catalyst Helpdesk virtually, via email or live chat, if you have any technical issues such as accessing Blackboard or your university email account, opening documents, downloading/installing the FREE EHU Microsoft Office 365 software or any problems when you come to submit your work in TurnItIn. Don’t forget we have also produced a number of Online Assessment guides to help you successfully submit your work but if you do need to talk to someone you can get in touch…
- Getting online assessment ready: there is lots of great assessment preparation advice available on the UniSkills webpages, including guides on setting goals, advice on how to stay motivated and helpful tools and techniques you can use for successful revision. We even have an interactive online learning package for your Online Assessments, which includes an online assessment checklist!
- Additional support needs: We understand that working towards assessments at this time can be challenging, and if you have a specific learning difficulties (SpLD) such as Dyslexia our SpLD team are keen to support you towards feeling positive about this way of working and any upcoming assessments. If you need any additional support get in touch with the SpLD team to arrange an appointment or ask any questions you may have about the services and support available.
Academic Skills Support
- UniSkills: you can continue to access all your academic skills support online for help with everything from academic writing, being critical, paraphrasing, referencing, finding and navigating your online resources to creating effective search strategies. There are several ways you can access our support including:
- Guidance, videos and toolkits are available 24/7 via the UniSkills webpages
- Book a virtual 1-2-1 appointments for support with Academic Writing / Referencing and/or Information Skills (Search Skills and Finding Resources)
- SpLD and Learning Support Service: are committed to supporting students at the university who have or may have an SpLD, such as Dyslexia or Dyspraxia, to develop study skills strategies and navigate your academic journey. There are many ways these teams can help you with exam preparation and assignment writing and our team of specialist study skills advisors are happy to meet with you through a virtual appointment to develop your study skills techniques. Contact the SpLD team to arrange an appointment or ask any questions you may have about the services and support available.
All of us in Library & Learning Services would like to wish you the very best of luck in your online assessments and remainder of your academic year!