We would like to give a warm welcome to our new team of Student Advisors: Dylan, Claire, Shelby, Rachel and Jade!

The Student Advisors are based in Catalyst and they are here to support you. The role of a Student Advisor is to provide help, support and guidance to other students on a peer to peer basis. The team are all current second, third year or Masters students and between them they bring a great variety of subject knowledge from their individual disciplines together with a wealth of experience from studying at Edge Hill, using all of that to support other students on their own University journey.

The support they provide revolves around getting the most out of your Library, locating and using physical and virtual resources for your studies. They can help you to develop a range of introductory academic skills and can introduce you to more specialised support where necessary.

They can help with:

  • Searching the Library Catalogue for books and eBooks
  • Using Discover More to find online journal articles and other online resources
  • Navigating Learning Edge and your subject specific ‘My Library’ Tab
  • Harvard referencing
  • Finding and accessing UniSkills academic support material
  • Turnitin assistance
  • Locating books

Catalyst Tours

Catalyst tours are taking place weekdays from Monday 17th September to Friday 28th September. Tours start at 10am and are taking place every half an hour, with the last tour meeting at 3:30pm.

The tours are being led by our current Student Advisors’ who will show you around Catalyst, giving you the opportunity to see all of the fabulous facilities, learning spaces and student support available!

For more information click here.

Getting Started

Getting started sessions are peer to peer support sessions with our team of Student Advisors. Get started with your key resources, including: how to log in to Learning Edge, your My Library tab, Readings Lists Online, Library Catalogue, Discover More, accessing UniSkills support and much more.

Getting Started sessions will take place:

Monday 1st October to Friday 5th October 12pm-2pm

Monday 8th October to Friday 12th October 12pm-2pm

Drop in sessions will take place in Willow Training Room, 1st floor Catalyst. There is no need to book so just drop in and speak to one of our knowledgeable Student Advisors for peer to peer support and guidance on how to get started with your key resources.

Drop in sessions will take place at the following times:

12:00pm – 12:30pm

12:30pm – 1:00pm

1:00pm – 1:30pm

1:30pm – 2:00pm

For more information click here.

Book an appointment with a Student Advisor

During term-time you can book a 15 minute appointment with a Student Advisor, between 11am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Get help with:

  • Searching the Library Catalogue for books and eBooks
  • Understanding the Dewey decimal system of shelving (shelf mark) and how to find books on the shelf after you’ve searched
  • Using Discover More to find online journal articles and other online resources
  • Navigating Learning Edge/Blackboard and your subject specific ‘My Library’ Tab
  • Finding and using the Harvard referencing guide
  • Finding and accessing UniSkills academic support material online

Book an appointment with a Student Advisor here.