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 Inspiration mind mapping and Read & Write Gold assistive technology is networked to support assignment writing

Pick up an instruction leaflet from the ASK desk

(1st floor of the library)


This is a visual tool for planning and developing ideas through the creation of concept maps. The map is easy to construct; information can be added by clicking on relevant branches and use of colour makes a distinction between different areas/topics.  In addition: notes, pictures, diagrams and links to internet resources can be built-in.  Once the map is complete it can be put into linear form in preparation for structuring the assignment.

It can be accessed by clicking on the start button and typing the word ‘Inspiration’ into the search box.







Read & Write

This is software that reads text and assists when constructing or proof reading written work.  It can read from most documents (Word, PDF, web pages), alternatively resources can be scanned in.  There are features that help with spelling, grammar and study skills; also, predictive text or voice activation can be used.  There are instruction video clips for each feature.

It can be accessed by clicking on the start button and typing the word ‘Read & Write’ into the search box.