The Library refurbishment is almost complete – we would love you to come and have a look at the new and improved facilities!
Key new features are;
A new silent study room
New spaces and furniture for quiet study
Brand new PCs with Windows 7 and Office 2010
Extended book stock
Our support for you will also be more visible and accessible; Library staff will be on hand on the 1st floor throughout the day to answer any of your queries about subject resources or provide support with study skills – just ask at our new ASK desk! Staff will also be roving around the building to offer more pro-active help and support in using the IT facilties.
For more information about our services, resources and facilties please visit our web pages;
You can contact us;
By telephone – 01695 584286
Email – [email protected]
Live chat –
*New* – you can also contact your subject librarian directly by emailing [email protected]
And don’t forget….following your feedback, and a successful pilot phase, the Library is open until midnight during term time…..starting tonight!