Students have your say – and win Amazon vouchers #2
My last blog post focused on last year’s student eLearning survey winners so I thought this time it would be helpful to explain why we think the annual survey is so important.
The Student eLearning Survey is now 5 years old and is an important means of finding out how technology supports student learning at Edge Hill. It isn’t just a tick-box exercise; we want to know the bad and the downright ugly as well as the good so we can continue to improve the features, access and support of EHU systems like the Learning Edge VLE. Since the last survey we have, amongst other things, improved the look and feel of Learning Edge based on your feedback. We also redesigned the log in page to make access and support easier, made Campus Pack (personal blogs and Wiki spaces in Learning Edge) available and released the Edge Hill Central app.
So what did we learn last year? We already knew that Learning Edge (Blackboard) is heavily used, but thanks to the survey, we also know that many students rate it as important, with 78.7% agreeing that it enhanced the knowledge and understanding they get from lectures, tutorials and practical sessions.
While technical and access issues with Learning Edge still occur both on and off campus, the trend over the past 4 years is, thankfully, downward. Facebook was frequently cited as a student ‘owned’ technology to support informal learning where they can email, send notifications, use instant messaging, share documents and course information – I think of it as the Facebook ‘Hub’ compared to the Learning Edge ‘classroom’.
I could go on … but if you want to know more, have a look at the results of last year’s survey at http://www.eshare.edgehill.ac.uk/1341/
Finally, if you are a student and want to get your views about technology at Edge Hill heard, then why not complete the survey http://surveys.edgehill.ac.uk/elearning2012 Don’t forget there is a prize draw for £50 and 2 x £25 Amazon vouchers as well as a 1G USB wristband for every 20th response – we’ve already given away loads and would love to give away more!
Students – have your say and win Amazon vouchers!
EHU’s fifth student eLearning survey was launched this week and in exchange for your views and experiences of technology we are offering one £50 and two £25 Amazon vouchers in a prize draw. We know how precious your time is, so as an additional thank you for completing the survey, we are also giving away a Learning Services 1G USB wristband to every 20th student who takes part.
Here are a couple of photos of last year’s prize draw winners – note the wristbands too!
Current students, you can complete the survey. It will close on Friday 25th January 2013.
Here is the link http://surveys.edgehill.ac.uk/elearning2012
Keep an eye out for a blog post coming soon on how we use the feedback from the eLearning survey to make a difference.
Monday 26th November 2012: ‘Accessible and Inclusive Design’ Session
The next session in The Digital Practitioner series of staff development events will be about simple ways in which staff can make the materials that they distribute via the Learning Edge online learning environment, more accessible.
It will take place between 1:00 and 2:00pm on Monday the 26th November 2012, at the Ormskirk campus.
You can book on the session by going to the sessions page on the Staff Development section of the Human Resources wiki.
In this session we look at the content uploaded to Edge Hill’s Learning Edge online learning environment, and look at simple ways that it could be made more accessible to a wide range of students including those with SpLDs and those using mobile devices to access content.
Specifically we will look at Word documents, PowerPoint slides, PDF documents, audio and video recordings and content accessed through the mobile app.
Peter Beaumont
Learning Technologist