Can I offer you an observation and some advice ahead of tonight – especially if you are going to watch the ESC with small children (or older children who should know better!)?
I have a feeling… a lot of us have a feeling that the small children of Europe are going to use their pester-power, or their own mobile phones to vote for a song which would not be out of place in either childrens’ television or as we heard in an earlier post – Butlins.
Yes, we fear that the small people of Europe (and some drunk grown-ups) are going to vote in their millions for this song:
[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]
Please, send you children to bed immediately if they show any interest in this song! As Terry Wogan may very well say … ‘I have a feeling, a terrible feeling…’
2 replies on “The kids are all right?”
ooooh arrrr!!
i heard that song yesterday on radio 1 of all things…..
it’s awesome! a clear winner – pass me the phone!
you know full well i want sweden to win….but only if the key change is as spectacular as it can be!!!
only 1hr to go and i’ve not got any alcohol in the house!!
oh dear!!
have a good un!
they are ‘robbing us blind’ – don’t vote for pirates. xxx