• University Library additional Christmas Opening 2011

    For the fourth year running, and in response to customer feedback, the University Library at Ormskirk will once again be open for two extra days during the Christmas break. If you need that extra bit of peace and quiet to work in, please do come in and access all the Library resources, computers, study spaces…

  • University Library Opening hours

    The University Library at Ormskirk will be open from 9am on Welcome Sunday 18th September  (closing as normal at 6pm). Come in and have a look at our refurbishment. We have all new pc’s with Windows 7, new study spaces and furniture, as well as a brand new Silent Room, for those who want to…

  • University Library opening hours

    The opening hours for the University Library are Monday to Friday 8.30am – 9pm Saturday and Sunday 11am – 6pm  from Monday 19th September the Library will open at 8am Opening hours for all our sites can be found on our website

  • Summer 2011 opening hours

    The opening hours for the University Library and the LINC will change for the summer vacation on Monday 13th June 2011 University Library 8.30am – 9pm    Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 8.30am – 5pm    Wednesday & Friday Closed               Saturday & Sunday LINC Building The LINC will remain 24-7 access  (with a valid Unicard)…

  • Late Night Library – Exams Edition

    Late Night Library – Exams Edition

    Due to the continuing success of Late Night Library, and by popular demand, the University Library at Ormskirk will be offering late night opening during the 2 weeks of exams in May 2011. From 9th to  19th May 2011, Monday to Thursday, the Library will remain open until Midnight. As for previous Late Night Libraries…

  • Bank Holiday Monday 2nd May

    The University Library is open today 8.45am – 7.00pm Our helpline is also available during these hours on 01695 584286 or e-mail us [email protected] The LINC Open Access PC room can be accessed 24-7 with an appropriate UniCard. Cathy Carey Facilities Coordinator

  • Late Night Library

    The University Library at Ormskirk has run 2 phases of Late Night Library this academic year. We opened until midnight Mondays to Thursdays from 22nd November to the 16th December and again from the 7th March to the 14th April. The late nights have proved popular, with 1187 using the Library, between 9pm and midnight,…

  • University Library Easter Vacation

    The opening hours for the University Library at Ormskirk will only change slightly during the Easter Vacation. We will have our standard term time opening hours apart from Good Friday 22nd April to Tuesday 26th April 2011, when we will be closed. We are offering additional opening for both the Royal Wedding Bank Holiday 29th…

  • Late Night Library……What are your thoughts?

    What do you think of Late Night Library? Good Idea……? We know lots of you are making use of it but we’d really like some feedback. If you’ve got time please fill in one of the postcards dotted about in the Library and post it in one of the boxes on the Help Desks or e-mail…

  • Late Night Library – The Return!

    After very positive feedback from the pilot scheme of extended opening we ran before Christmas, don’t forget  from next Monday, 7th March, and for 6 weeks, the University Library at Ormskirk will once again be closing at Midnight, Monday to Thursday. After 9pm you will be able to access PCs, books and resources, printing facilities,…