Inter Library Loans
The British Library is currently undertaking a massive stock move and they have informed us that titles may be subject to delays of over 8 weeks. Please consider this when you are placing any Inter Library Loan requests for either books or journals. For more information on Inter Library Loans please visit our website
Inter Library Loans
Following several years of price rises from the British Library and after benchmarking across the sector the cost of Inter Library Loans has increased to £2 per article or book. For further information on inter library loans please see the webpage http://www.edgehill.ac.uk/ls/support/usingthelibrary/#loans
Requesting Inter Library Loans Online
Learning Services are now offering the facility to place Inter Library Loans requests for books online via the library catalogue. You can choose My Account from the front page of the library catalogue or you can go directly to My Account in the library catalogue. Once in your account, click on the ILL button which is…