• Result of the trial for Pier Professional Journals

    At the end of last year we had a trial of the complete collection of Journals from Pier Professional. Pier Professional publishes journals in healthcare, social care and allied fields. There are 23 journals in the collection. Feedback was positive and a decision was made to take out a subscription for the whole collection.  New…

  • Students – last chance to win Amazon vouchers!

    We now have 740 responses to our third annual students e-learning survey and only need another 35 to match the number of responses we had last year…..so please take a few minutes to complete the survey if you’ve not already done so.  A grand prize of a £50 Amazon voucher and two runner up prizes…

  • Students, time is running out! Have your say with the EHU students e-learning survey…

    We’re now in the last week of our third annual EHU students e-Learning Survey and would like to encourage any student who hasn’t already completed it to do so before it’s too late!  692 students have already responded (thank you!) and last year we had a total of 775 respondents so we would love it…

  • Inter Library Loans

    The British Library is currently undertaking a massive stock move and they have informed us that titles may be subject to delays of over 8 weeks. Please consider this when you are placing any Inter Library Loan requests for either books or journals. For more information on Inter Library Loans please visit our website

  • Phase 2 of midnight opening – coming soon!!

    If you cast your minds back to before Christmas……you may remember that the University Library at Ormskirk was open until midnight from 22nd November for 4 weeks (Monday to Thursday).  I am pleased to report that there was enough uptake, and positive feedback, to warrant running a second phase of midnight opening for 6 weeks in…

  • Lights Camera Action “Take 2 on the Clock”.

    Behind The Technology As some people will be aware, Peter Salmon Director of BBC North, opened our HD (High Definition) Studio in December 2010. My update then was to explain why the studio was designed in this particular way, the student experience and what this brings to Edge Hill University. The next scene is what…

  • Exam Revision and Inspiration® mind mapping software

    Exam Revision and Inspiration® mind mapping software Inspiration® software can be used as a tool for developing  memorable exam revision techniques and is fun to use.  The  software is accessible to all Edge Hill students from the desktop and is very easy to use.  Users create a picture of their ideas and concepts in the form of a…

  • New material for all our Libraries – it is all about resources!

    All the material in our University libraries has been suggested and recommended by the academic staff in liaison with staff from our Information Resources and Academic services teams – a very successful collaborative effort! From the start of the 2010/2011 academic year up to today, we can report that 7,868 new items have been added to…

  • RefWorks for Postgraduate Students

    RefWorks is an online reference management tool designed to help gather, manage, store and share bibliographic information, as well as generate citations and bibliographies. These one hour, hands on workshops will enable you to organise your references, export references into RefWorks from online resources and generate citations and bibliographies as you write. Tue 18 January…

  • New Humanities Database on Trial

    We have got a trial of another full text journal collection from Ebsco. Humanities International Complete provides full text of hundreds of journals, books and other published sources from around the world.  The database includes full text for nearly 1,200 journals. The collection has been added to our Ebsco collection and can be found at…