• You can use the library catalogue to find your reading list. From the library catalogue search page, choose Module Code from the drop down list, and type the module code in the search box, e.g. PPD1000. Click on Go, and your reading list will appear on screen.
• Log in to the library catalogue by clicking on My Account. This will enable you to renew your books, reserve books and, if you are off campus, to use electronic resources.
• You can book one to one support if you need help with your academic writing or with finding information for an assignment, by going to the Inclusive Services desk on the first floor of the library. You can also book by phone on 01695 584372 or by emailing [email protected] .
• Visit the Learning Services website for information on all of our facilities and services, including information on resources for your course and on developing your academic skills. Go to www.edgehill.ac.uk/ls.
• You can phone the Learning Services Helpline on 01695 584286 if you need help with using any of our services. This could include help with logging on, accessing Blackboard, using electronic resources, and much more.