Your research data are an important asset. We can help you manage it, share it and increase your research profile.

We have recently updated the University’s Research Data Management (RDM) policy and our web pages.
Who does the policy apply to?
Members of staff and postgraduate students conducting research at Edge Hill.
It doesn’t apply to taught postgraduate students, unless your research findings are published.
It doesn’t apply to undergraduate students, but you should follow the Code of Practice for the Conduct of Research and you can, of course, follow the principles outlined in the policy.
What are the key points?
Research data are very broadly defined and include all research-related materials that support your findings, it’s not just about spreadsheets.
Managing your research data is about looking after your data appropriately so they will remain useful for a long as possible, to yourself and others.
Lead researchers are responsible for data management and every research project should complete a data management plan.
Research data should be shared openly where possible in Figshare, the University’s data repository. The data should be anonymised.
When sharing research data, you should consider the FAIR data principles which ensure data is discoverable, accessible and reusable in the long-term. The Open Research Team can support you, please contact us to discuss.
What is a data management plan?
A data management plan is a working document that describes the data you will collect or use, how you will manage and store this data and what you will do with the data at the end of the project, including how you will share them.
What is Figshare?
Figshare is the University’s data repository. It enables researchers to make their research data open and shareable, under a creative commons licence that means it can be reused appropriately. Datasets/records are given a DOI, which enables the data to be discoverable and citable.
Why should I share my research data?
There are many benefits to sharing your research data via the University’s Figshare repository. It showcases your research, getting credit and visibility beyond publications. You can increase your citations and interest in your work. It provides opportunities for collaboration and new avenues of enquiry, facilitates reproducibility and demonstrates research integrity.
Where can I find out more?
Explore our RDM webpages and contact Esther Byrom, the Research Data Manager, for support with all things data management, including DMPs, sharing your data or depositing your data in Figshare: [email protected].
The Open Research Team provides lots of advice, guidance and support to Edge Hill researchers about all aspects of open research. Find out more on our research support web pages or contact [email protected] with any questions about open research, open access publishing, Pure and REF.
Authored by Esther Byrom