If you weren’t able to join us LIVE on Instagram on Tuesday 26th July, fear not! You can catch up with all of Student Advisor Emma’s great advice over on our Library and Learning Services Instagram: @EHULibrary right now!

Library and Learning Services Instagram Live. On screen is Ellie (top) and Emma (bottom) discussing tips for planning ahead of for the new academic year this summer.

Your Q&A’s

Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the questions students submitted ahead (and during) the event and, most importantly, Emma’s answers!

Q: How long does it take you to write an assignment?

A: This is obviously very subjective to individuals, and the assignment itself, but roughly I plan around 4 weeks or a month before it is due. I’ll kind of do little bits here and there like plan it out and do my research. Then when I come to that two-week window before submission I check how much I have done, what’s left to complete and always factor in time so I am not rushing.

Q: What would you say to someone who is struggling with organising their references?

A: My favourite tip that I tell everyone about is to do this thing called ‘tab groups’. For example on Google Chrome you literally right-click the tab and you can add it to a group. So, if I am working on, especially if I am working on several assignments at once, I’ll have a tab group with all the resources I have been looking at for that assignment.

Q: Is there any support using Discover More over summer?

A: The entire Library and Learning Services team are really, really great with this! I think if you’re struggling you can go to the Catalyst Helpdesk and ask and they’d be happy to help. Also, UniSkills have lots of support running constantly throughout the year and know a lot about referencing and resources.

Q: Any advice for students returning to learning after a gap?

A: Don’t panic in silence and struggle to make the most of your studies – be honest about your circumstances and situation. If you’re not sure how to use resources or how to manage your time there’s so much support available for you to access.

Q. What’s your top advice for prepping over summer for the new academic year?

A: I like to plan my summer half and half – so half prepping and half relaxing. I also work during the summer, so I factor this in too and have found a balance that works well for me. As I head into August I will start to make more plans for the new academic year like buy my new stationery and planner, write some useful lists and start getting myself into the mindset for September.

We hope you enjoyed Emma’s quick recap – remember you can watch the full video over on our Instagram!

UniSkills Summer Support

If you’d like any further support this summer UniSkills are here to help!

You can access loads of great information, guides, video tutorials and interactive toolkits 24/7 on the UniSkills web pages: ehu.ac.uk/uniskills

Current students can continue to access 1-2-1 support all summer with our UniSkills academic writing and information skills appointments.

Enrolling at Edge Hill this coming autumn? Get a head start on your study skills with our Getting Started With UniSkills pre-entry support. Look out for your email invitation or head over to your applicant page now for more details:

However you access support this summer we hope you have a great break and look forward to seeing you all again in the new term!