In 2020 the Teaching Online Reading Group for EHU academic staff members was launched (via MS Teams) by Dr Claire Hawkins, Senior Lecturer in Primary Computing Education and Sonia Edwards, Academic Engagement Manager in Library and Learning Services. The aim was to provide a space to discuss user-friendly, research-based articles about online teaching and learning. The group provides a valuable opportunity to actively and critically consider what it means to teach in a virtual world. It is ideal for people who have been forced to rush headlong into online teaching and want time to reflect and discuss their practice.

Invitation to the Teaching Online Reading Group
reading link:

Why an online reading group?

Learning takes place through social interaction and individuals learn by expressing their questions and pursuing lines of inquiry together (Hillen, 2014). Our aim is therefore to provide a supportive space where we can discuss, reflect and share professionally supportive dialogue.

How does our online reading group work?

We don’t look for heavy, theoretical framework pieces, articles are chosen from Library and Learning Services Discover More database and act as a springboard for a more wide-ranging discussion of practice. These conversations and comparisons help us to think collectively about what it might mean for our own practices. The freedom of this informal communication in a small group can enable participants to shape expectations of themselves and others and help define their role (Jaber & Kennedy, 2017).

No sessions are recorded, it is a safe collaborative community area (Bruffee,1995). As well as discussing the reading we want people to feel free to express whatever they want / need about online teaching and learning.

Please join us.

It would be wonderful if you could join us in our discussions, given the situation with teaching and learning during the pandemic and planning for an uncertain next academic year we believe that our interactions with trusted colleagues can provide value and support in such periods of transition.

How can I get in touch?

Digital yellow post- it note with #EHU_TORG written on it.

If you would like to join us, know more, or receive a list of upcoming dates and times, please contact: Sonia Edwards – Library and Learning Services or Dr Claire Hawkins – Faculty of Education.


Note: Our references have been past articles for the reading group:

Hillen, SA. (2014) The role of discussion boards in e-collaborative learning environments – What kind of support can they provide? Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, Vol 9 Nr. 2-2014, 128-147

Bruffee, KA. (1995) Sharing our toys – Cooperative learning verses collaborative learning. Change, 1 – 2, 12 – 18.

Jaber R. & Kennedy E. (2017) ‘Not the same person anymore’: groupwork, identity and social learning online. Distance Education, 38:2, 216-229.