Are you looking for business, company or industry information for your next assignment? We have a range of resources available to you. You’ll find them in the Subject Resources page for Business, Management and Accountancy.

Company information
Start with Business Source Complete. Here you will find industry reports, country reports and market research reports to help you set the scene. Then, for more specific information, explore case studies and SWOT analyses. This specialist database also contains full-text articles from over 2,500 key journals in the fields of Marketing, Management, Accounting, Finance and Management Information Systems.
If you need help using Business Source Complete, there are tutorials available.

Passport GMID (Global Market Information Database) is a market research database published by Euromonitor. Passport contains global research and analysis on industries, economies, countries and consumers. This research spans across hundreds of categories industries and countries.
Using Country Reports you can choose an industry to view datagraphics of the market size and competitive landscape over the last 10 years with predictions for the next 5 years. The Analysis section gives you a summary key findings from the data, and you can download the report to read offline.
Keep up to date with Megatrends – the team of analysts at Passport offer regular reports on the most influential trends shaping consumer behaviour and attitudes today and in the future.
There are short tutorials to show you how to make the most of Passport.
Financial Information
FAME (Financial Analysis Made Easy) is a database of UK and Irish company information and intelligence, containing data on over seven million companies. Content includes Industry reports, company news, credit scores, corporate structures and original documents such as annual returns and accounts.

Marketing and Advertising
WARC gives you access to thousands of case studies that reveal the campaign strategies of leading brands.
Campaign provides news and analysis from expert commentators in the fields of marketing, advertising and media. To use Campaign you need to create an account, using your Edge Hill University email address.
AdAge AdAge is a US-based website offering news, analysis and forecasting on marketing and media. The content includes the Leading National Advertisers Report. To access AdAge off-campus, use your Edge Hill username and password to open the instructions: Access AdAge.
Campaign provides news and analysis from expert commentators in the fields of marketing, advertising and media. To use Campaign you need to create an account, using your Edge Hill University email address.