Wondering how to get going with your studies this term? How much do you know about Edge Hill’s academic skills support? Well, let me tell you all about why you need to join your Student Advisors all next week for Getting Started With UniSkills!
If you’re new to the university, haven’t explored the uni webpages yet or are just looking for a refresher on the essentials, why not come along to one of our Getting Started With UniSkills webinars to learn some great ways to get stuck in with your studies? This webinar is an introduction to academic life here at Edge Hill; we’ll be talking about how to navigate Learning Edge (you might have also heard your teachers call this the VLE), how to identify and locate academic information and how to get support from UniSkills.
These webinars have been co-created by your knowledgeable Academic Skills Advisors and us, your friendly and experienced Student Advisors! And we’ve got lots of advice and tons of tips to share with you. We’ll take you through everything you need to know to get started with your studies and help you find out all the ways the Library and Learning Services teams can support you throughout the year. This is a great way to get the new term off to a fantastic start, and you know what they say about starting as you mean to go on (you should do it)! Watch my video above to discover my top 3 reasons for why you should attend our workshops all next week!
There’s a brand-new booking system in place now which makes it even easier to join in with all our UniSkills webinars. To book your place visit www.ehu.ac.uk/workshops and you’ll find all the info you need to log into the new student portal. Getting Started With UniSkills are running all throughout the first week of February (1st-5th) every lunchtime 12:15pm-12:45pm, so you can choose whichever day is most convenient for you!
I’ll see you there!