One of our main services to you, as the University Library, is providing access to high-quality academic resources and we do this in abundance – although at present you cannot access the physical book stock, you do have access to nearly 250,000 online resources!
Accessing Online Resources
The best place to start accessing your online resources is your Online Reading List, as your tutors will have compiled a list of great materials to begin your research journey. But really great research doesn’t limit itself to just one place, so be sure to make the most of all your resources via the Library Catalogue, Discover More and your online specialist subject databases.
Lots of eBooks remain multi-user, where available, with many extended to unlimited access until 30th June. We are also continuing to prioritise eBook purchases, looking into further electronic provisions and have a handy eBooks Guide to help you read online, or download, at your leisure.
If you come across any materials, such as books or journal articles, that are not currently accessible online then don’t despair – this isn’t the end of the line! Simply place a request via our You Want It, We Get It service, select the electronic option and we will do our best* to source a copy for you.

Additional Resources
Many publishers around the world are still making additional content temporarily available to support teaching and learning where access to physical books and resources may be limited. Keep up to date with all of these extra resources, and how to access them, on the additional access to eResources webpage.
So, all these resources, and lots of ways to access them, may feel a little overwhelming but don’t worry because that’s another great service we provide – helping you find, navigate and make the most of all your online resources!
A great place to start is our Digital Library Induction and UniSkills Finding Academic Information webpages. On here we have created a package of online tutorials to guide you through how to access, and make the most of, your key learning resources. And don’t forget you can also book a UniSkills virtual 1-2-1 appointment for support with library search skills, finding resources and improving your search strategy, including:
- Finding resources for your assignment
- Searching the Library Catalogue for books and eBooks
- Using Discover More to find online journal articles and other online resources
- Discuss and develop search strategies
Further Help & Support
If you need any further help or support with your online resources, or any other library related queries, get in touch with us via email or live chat.