As your first semester comes to an end and deadlines begin to approach, it is a good time to elf yourself by thinking about how you can submit on time and revise for exams! Do not panic as Keep Calm and Submit week is returning Monday 9th – Friday 13th December to offer you help, support, revision ideas and study tips to help you embrace your hectic schedule, rather than run from it! Remember, ‘tis the season to be jolly, so having a break is also important!

Keep Calm and Submit Winter Promo Image

Keep Calm and Submit
All week our knowledgeable Student Advisors will be available (11am-4pm) on the ground floor event space in Catalyst (Ormskirk), so why not take a well-earned study break and join them to discover some of their own great study and revision tips. Do not miss the opportunity to get involved in creative tasks to help you conquer your assignment and revision nightmares.

Feedback Spinner
Understanding feedback is hard, learning from it is sometimes harder. Why not come and have a go at our Feedback Spinner! The Feedback Spinner is designed to help you see some common examples of essay feedback and how we would advise you reflect on it and use it to enhance your abilities. Start the new year off knowing how to embrace the advice you’re given and discover your potential to succeed!

Rejoice in your Referencing
We know referencing is snow joke so fear not as we have a checklist to ensure you’re doing it to the best of your ability. Come to Catalyst and have a look at our snowman referencing checklist and see what other tips and tricks we have on offer. You can also refer to your Harvard Referencing guide for some extra help!

Try not to lose your baubles!
Light up your holidays this winter by increasing your knowledge with tips and advice on essay and exam prep. Look out for our UniSkills Festive Tree where you can pick up or write your own study tip. Don’t worry if you do not have any advice, you can enjoy getting creative by leaving us a colourful bauble to brighten up our tree. Our Student Advisors will be demonstrating their own techniques on keeping calm and prepping for submission dates and/or exams.

Submission Checklist
It’s a busy time of year and you’ve no doubt lots of naughty and nice checklists, but you might want to think about adding this next one to your pile. Your Student Advisors have put together an essential submission checklist which could be a lifesaver as you begin to do your final proofreads. I’m sure you would rather relax knowing you’ve done everything possible with regards to your essays, so why not come see us to find out more!

Take an Elfie!
Keep an eye out for our Take an Elfie competition for the change to win some festive and financial prizes! To get ahead of the game make sure you are following all our social media accounts: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Read more about the competiton here:

UniSkills Workshops
If you want to get involved some more, why not join a UniSkills workshop, all of which have been designed to help you develop your academic skills and confidence at University and beyond: This is what is running over the next two weeks:

UniSkills Advent
Keep your eyes out for 24 great Keep Calm and Submit study tips to get you through this busy period. You’ll find them on our Twitter and Facebook from the 1st to 24th December…or just search for #UniSkillsAdvent

Elf Hat

Winter UniSkills Support
UniSkills provide a wide range of face to face and virtual support, find out more at Although UniSkills take a little break over the festive period that doesn’t mean our support stops! You can access lots of help, support and guidance online 24 hours a day – a great place to start is your My Library tab in Learning Edge or the UniSkills webpages. Whether you’re just starting your very first assignment and want to learn about planning and structure or are writing your final dissertation and need help with referencing, we can help you to boost your UniSkills!

Christmas at Catalyst
Catalyst is open 24/7 until 8pm on Monday 23rd December (then festive opening hours, as below) and 24/7 opening will resume from 8am on Thursday 2nd January 2020!

Driving home for Christmas?
If you are planning on going home over winter, you may be interested in using your local university library as part of the SCONUL Access scheme. This is a reciprocal service supported by most of the higher education libraries in the UK and Ireland. You can also take your wireless device to other universities and by connecting to the Eduroam network with your Edge Hill username and password you will be able to use Wi-Fi and access Edge Hill eResources. Visit our Using Other Libraries webpages for more information and to apply.

Giant Pencil

With so many amazing winter activities taking place during Keep Calm and Submit week (and beyond!) be sure to join us inside Catalyst for lots of tips and techniques to help you sleigh your study fears, begin to snowball in your academic abilities and simply, Keep Calm and Submit!