It has been another busy start to the academic year with lots of welcome and induction activities taking place across campus. If you joined us in Catalyst 16th – 27th September you may have even taken part in one of our Student Led Catalyst Tours, delivered by our team of Student Advisors. Don’t worry if you missed a physical tour you can always watch our virtual guided tour, hosted by our (now graduated ?) Student Advisor Jade, online anytime.
Who are the Student Advisors?
Well, I am glad you asked! This year Library and Learning Services have employed nine Student Advisors to provide peer to peer help, support and guidance to their fellow students – that’s YOU!

The team are all current 2nd year, 3rd year or Masters students and between them bring a great variety of subject knowledge from their individual disciplines together with a wealth of experience from studying at Edge Hill, using all of this to support you on your own University journey.
What can Student Advisors help me with?
The Student Advisors can help you get the most out of your Library, including locating and using physical and virtual resources for your studies. They can also help you to develop a range of introductory academic skills and introduce you to more specialised support where necessary.
- Searching the Library Catalogue for books and eBooks
- Using Discover More to find online journal articles and other online resources
- Navigating Learning Edge/Blackboard and your subject specific ‘My Library’ Tab
- Harvard referencing
- Finding and accessing UniSkills academic support material
How can I access the Student Advisors?
The Student Advisors work term-time weekdays 11am-4pm and you can book a 15 minute appointment with them to discuss any of the topics mentioned above.
The Student Advisors have just completed two weeks delivery of introductory UniSkills workshops (Getting Started… and Finding Your Resources 30th September – 11th October) but they will be returning throughout the year to offer more workshops on a range of topics, so be sure to keep a look out for your UniSkills timetable or online
The Student Advisors will also be creating blogs, vlogs and social media content throughout the year on a range of academic skills topics and personal interests so be sure to keep up-to-date by following Learning Services on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and on our blog.
Meet the team…
Anna Krawiecka
3rd Year – BSc Marketing with Digital Communications
Favourite place to study: Is on the first floor of Catalyst next to the spiral staircase as I enjoy looking out across campus. I prefer to study on campus as I can focus more, and I can easily access any useful resources or help if needed.
Best study tip: Create a study timetable! This allows you to clearly see the spare time you have around your academic timetable. I find this useful as I can then designate set days where I will complete work for every module. This ensures that I have enough time to work on assignments, meaning I don’t feel pressured by upcoming deadlines.
Favourite thing to do away from study: To de-stress I like to go to the gym or take part in a fitness class and my favourite way to chill out from my studies to is book a quiet weekend away somewhere!
Arifa Ugradar
3rd Year – BSc Business & Management with Marketing
Favourite place to study: The Catalyst is my favourite place to study by far. It has everything I need when I am self studying, working on assignments or a group project. I like to study on the third floor in the individual pods or sometimes when I come in the evening I like to work on the ground floor where there are large tables to work on near the window.
Best study tip: As soon as I am given the assignment brief for my module, I like to begin to format the document layout with suggestive subheadings provided by the module leader (or myself after reading the brief). I then cut and paste any additional notes relevant to the assignment to help me through the work. I continue this tip as a third year student – it is really helpful and saves me from flicking through one tab to another!
Favourite thing to do away from study: I enjoy colouring to de-stress, hanging out with my best buddy and going out during the daytime.
Charlotte Crook
2nd Year – BA History with Politics
Favourite place to study: has to be in the little pods on the ground floor of the Catalyst. I can’t study in silence, so I find the ground floor the best place for me. The little pods allow for a little bit more silence, and they have plug sockets for my laptop – so are a must for my longer study sessions! Also if you choose the right one you can get a really good view of the lake by Chancellors Court, which is lovely to look out to when I take my head out of a book.
Best study tip: I have always found mind maps have really helped me when it comes to studying, whether it’s for assignments or exams. They help me get all my ideas down onto paper and then link up the relating points. Also you can make them look really smart, and I love revising off notes that are really neat and comprehensive.
Favourite thing to do away from study: Whenever I am away from study I do one of two things, my favourite thing to do is to take my dog out for a walk to the field, he is still trying to get the hang of fetch – he is almost there. I find being out with other dog walkers and dogs really calming, as I have nothing else on my mind except how cute all the dogs are. The other thing I enjoy to do away from study is to binge watch a series, watching a few episodes of a new series is really a treat after a long day of studying!
Favourite thing to do away from study:
Dylan Booth
Masters – MA Creative Writing
Favourite place to study: My favourite place to study is the group study rooms in Catalyst. I like being secluded from outside distractions, whilst still being able to chat with my course mates.
Best study tip: Plan ahead and don’t leave things to the last minute. I’ve learned this the hard way through my undergraduate degree. I always like to make sure that I have my assignment submitted at least the day before.
Favourite thing to do away from study: I go to the cinema a lot. I enjoy seeing new films, it allows me to wind down, and it also helps with my writing for my course as well.
Ellis Brooks
3rd Year – BA Primary Mathematics Education with QTS
Favourite place to study: My favourite place to study is Starbucks in Ormskirk.
Best study tip: The best study tip I was ever given, that’s always worked, is start assignments ASAP – they creep up on you!
Favourite thing to do away from study: Outside uni I like to read, draw and play pool.
Georgia Maestri-Banks
3rd Year – BA Primary English Education with QTS
Favourite place to study: Off campus is my super comfy green chair in my kitchen. On Campus, I love studying in the secret pods on the ground floor of Catalyst.
Best study tip: I discovered for myself was to ensure I make a revision/assignment timetable and plan my assignments out using bright coloured highlighters.
Favourite thing to do away from study: To de-stress is playing the piano and songwriting.
Jen Murray
Masters – MSc Sports, Physical Activity & Mental Health
Favourite place to study: If it’s warm, my favourite place to study is anywhere outside. If it’s cold and rainy I often head to cosy coffee shops. I try to find funky, independent places that have lots of space, so I am not taking up room with my laptop.
Best study tip: Plan, organise and make use out of the support the university offers- for example, attend workshops- it really helps, you always come away with something useful!
Favourite thing to do away from study: Morning runs, yoga, wild camping, hiking with my partner- anything outside in nature helps me de-stress and unwind. I also love listening to podcasts and reading (my fav podcasts are Joe Rogan Podcast and Happy Place by the lovely Fearne Cotton.
Lauren Gallagher
Masters – MA English
Favourite place to study: Changes all the time depending on my mood, I’m normally most productive working from bed with music or a TV show on in the background; must be comfy. ?
Best study tip: Make the most of audiobook free trails, find a course-relevant book, and listen to it repeatedly until you can pretty much parrot the whole thing.
Favourite thing to do away from study: I always play games to chill after studying all day, especially JRPGs (Japanese Role Playing Games) with good immersive worlds like Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts, love some escapism.
Maisie Masterman
3rd Year – BSc Primary English Education with QTS
Favourite place to study: At uni it has to be Catalyst – anywhere by a window or if not anywhere quiet and peaceful with a nice view. A study essential has to be a cup (or mug) of tea!
Best study tip: Listen to your tutors – they are there to help and whilst you can’t ask them to write your assignments for you, they are always there to help.
Favourite thing to do away from study: I love baking and cooking especially with friends or family, keeping fit, having a boogie and relaxing with books and podcasts – How To Fail is a favourite of mine!