Learn about the work of this award-winning, non-profit, academic-led publisher that releases 20+ open access books a year and doesn’t charge its authors any fees.
A special webinar for Open Access Week 2019, hosted by Library and Learning Services and free to everyone!
Lucy Barnes, Editor at Open Book Publishers, introduces this award-winning, non-profit, academic-led open access publisher. They don’t charge author fees; they publish innovative and acclaimed titles; and their books have been accessed over 2 million times. Interested in finding out more or publishing with OBP? Join us on 21 October!
Time: 12-1pm on Monday 21 October
Join the webinar: https://eu.bbcollab.com/guest/bca23dc33eae41ffaca170a062e2b261
All are welcome
Open Access Week
It’s International Open Access Week on the 21st -27th October.
The theme this year is “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge”. The idea behind Open Access Week is to catalyse new conversations and create connections.
Library and Learning Services are running a series of events for OA week including a special research cafe and a board games & pizza event and more.