The University Library is your central study location on campus and we are working hard to ensure our study spaces are meeting your requirements!


From Monday 14th November we will be running an anti-noise campaign to promote a study focused atmosphere across the University Library and to help you find the appropriate space for the kind of studying you want to do!

With exams and deadlines looming it is important that everyone is able to study uninterrupted by mobile phones, conversations about last night or munching on a crispy snack!

We are asking YOU to be considerate of those studying around you and to choose the right study space for you…

LS0567 Turn up the quiet plasma

For Silent Study

  • Use the Silent Study Room on the 2nd floor of the Library

For Quiet Study

  • Use the 1st and 2nd floor of the Library, including bookable Individual Study Rooms*

For Group Study

  • Use the Ground floor of the Library, including bookable Library Group Rooms*

For Social Space

  • Use the 1st floor of the HUB

*How to book an Individual Study Room or Group Study Room

  • Option 1: Log in to the GO Portal and select “Room Booking” under the Learning Resources option in the Student Services box.
  • Option 2: Log in to the GO Portal and choose Learning Edge – the option to book the rooms is then on the left hand side under your faculty pages.
  • Option 3: If already logged in to the GO Portal go direct to the room booking page.
  • Rooms can be booked up to 2 weeks in advance.

Staff will continue to monitor noise levels across all of our Learning Spaces but if you do experience any inappropriate behaviour from other students, please report this immediately to a member of library staff.


You can report any problems to library staff in a number of ways…