During May, Learning Services will be ‘On Location’ in your faculty to offer academic and administrative staff help and advice on a wide range of services.  Engaging with staff is key to our service and recent feedback from the academic staff survey highlighted that staff would find it very useful if we could be around in your buildings and departments to provide bespoke support.

Each event will run between 10am-3pm and will offer different ways in which you can:

  • MEET a range of Learning Services staff to discuss your needs.
  • LEARN how Learning Services can help you achieve your (course/online/development) goals.
  • DEVELOP your (Library & Learning Edge) knowledge with practical discussions

Our first event is Wednesday 18th May in the Faculty of Education Building

There will be CPD events throughout the day from Learning Technology Development, Academic Support, Digital Capabilities Development, Classroom Technologies support and Learner Support (SpLD) teams, whilst Librarians, Learning Technologist and Skills Advisors will be available for help.

In E16 you can drop-in and meet the Learning Services FOE Teams for problem solving and learn more about how we can support you.

In E22 a range of our teams are offering bite-sized CPD to enhance your practice.
The programme for the day in E22 is:

10am  – Find out about Learning Technologies – LTD Team

11am – A partnership approach to education resources –
Ruth Wilson & Andy Tomkins

12pm – Digital capabilities – Heather Johnston

1pm – Lecture capture – Howard Turpin

2pm – Changes to Disabled Student Allowances and inclusive practices – Andrew Billington

Just before the event we will be dropping in to see people to ensure you know when and where we will be on the day and whether you want to make an appointment for a 1-2-1 on the day.
For more details or if you would like a 1-2-1 appointment with one of the teams (we can come to your desk), contact Rachel Bury, Academic Liaison Manager.
Email: [email protected]

Please make a note in your diaries for the Faculty of Health and Social Care (25th May) and Arts and Sciences (31st May) dates and we will be out and about with more information and reminders just before the day.  Again, colleagues in those faculties can make an appointment for a 1-2-1.




Rachel Bury

Academic Liaison Manager – Quality, Marketing and Communication