“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success”
-Alexander Graham Bell
With semester 2 exams on the horizon, beat the exam blues and join one of our revision workshops to help improve your performance and manage the pressure. These workshops are facilitated by the Counselling and Wellbeing Team in Student Services and are designed to support you through the various demands of the exam season by looking at practical revision strategies, how to cope with exam stress and most importantly, how to give yourself time to relax in your revision timetable!
Keep calm and master your exam preparation
How prepared do you feel for exams? Do you find yourself panic-revising? This workshop will help you to take charge and develop effective revision techniques by focussing on better preparation. Find out how to reduce test anxiety, improve confidence and feel better prepared for your exams, both psychologically and physically.
Thursday 14th April 13:00 – 14:00 – BOOK HERE
Exam Revision: How to relax when you don’t have time for it
Time out can help you to be more effective and regain a sense of calm, concentration and focus. Look at taking a short space of time out and adding ‘relaxation’ to your revision schedule. Learn practical relaxation exercises which promote stress reduction, reduce anxiety and aid concentration and focus.
Weds 20th April 13:00 – 14:00 – BOOK HERE
Further Support
Don’t forget, we still have a range of Study Skills and Information Skills workshops in the semester 2 Uni Skills workshop programme. Face to face academic support can also be accessed by visiting the Ask desk on the 1st floor of the University library (weekdays from 9am to 7pm).
If you’re working from home or based at one of our other sites, we also provide a suite of online guides and interactive toolkits on the Uni Skills webpages. You can contact us directly for academic support via email [email protected] or by visiting Ask Us.