Dyslexia affects approximately one in ten people in the UK and is one of the most common hidden disabilities, occurring in people of all ages, backgrounds and intellectual levels. That’s why our specialist support team, the SpLD Team, is hosting a number of activities as part of the national  Dyslexia Awareness Week.   From Monday 5th October to  Friday 9th October, they will be raising awareness about what dyslexia is and how students and staff affected by dyslexia can be supported at University.

Our theme this year will be “Understanding Dyslexia”.

Throughout the week, the SpLD Team will have a stand in different departments throughout the University promoting our services, the support available to students and increasing understanding of dyslexia. Feel free to pop over and speak to us at any of the locations and ask any questions you have about dyslexia and the support available to you. While you’re there, you’ll also have the opportunity to enter our free prize draw to win a tin of chocolates (yum!)

Where can you find us?

If you’re interested in learning more or want to help us raise awareness, come and see us!

What else is happening?

On Tuesday and Thursday afternoon (1pm – 3pm) the SpLD Team will be delivering sessions, introducing you to Networked Assistive Technology and exploring how this can benefit students in their studies as a planning tool or for proofreading.
If you would like to book onto a session please come and see us at the ASK desk and we will book you a space in one of the sessions.

Find out more…

If you can’t see us this week – don’t worry, our specialist team is available to speak to you in person on the ASK desk (on the 1st floor of the University library).

You can also contact the team via email [email protected], phone 01695 584372 or Ask Us online