Have you noticed our student assistants, in their distinctive red sweatshirts who are based at the Ask desk on the first floor of the University Library, Ormskirk?
Research at other universities has shown that students can benefit from ‘peer to peer support’, hence the move to introduce student assistants into the library.
Students themselves have indicated that if they have got a query they would prefer to ask their peers first before they would approach a member of staff.
According to The University of Manchester,
‘There is strong evidence that Peer Support has a positive influence on students’ experience of their time at University, both academically and socially.’
The student assistants are trained in the use of library and learning resources, study skills and basic IT functions. They can also help students to understand the physical layout of the library. They offer an additional layer of support to complement the work of the staff at the Ask desk and the flexible support staff.
The student assistant also rove around the campus to support and engage with students outside of the library environment.
Next time you see a student assistant, either in the library or around the campus, and if you’ve got a query, don’t be afraid to ask.
For more information please contact [email protected]