Students studying on the April cohort of Pre-Reg Nursing and ODP (Operating Departmental Practice) are the first to have been offered both online part-registration and a dedicated new tab within Learning Edge.
Since acquiring Community as a bolt-on to Learning Edge, there has been much work done around how to best use it for the benefit of both staff and students.
We knew from student feedback that accessing library e-resources from within Learning Edge is helpful. Our priority development was the library resources tab, made available to all students in January … but we wanted to take it much further …
So a project commenced in January to bring a new area within the Learning Edge environment that allows the students to have direct access to the subject-specific library resources that they will use most often including reading lists, frequently used databases and journal titles and also a Twitter feed and subject resources. This tab has been called ‘Your FoHSC Resources‘.
Having ready access to subject resources in a tab managed by our Academic Liaison Librarians will, we hope, help students to locate and use key resources for their course. It is our intention to extend subject-specific library resources tabs to all by September and to work with Faculties and Departments on developing their own tab and panels.
If you are interested in finding out more, get in touch with the Learning Technology Development Team on [email protected]
Carol Chatten
Learning Technology Development Officer