Welcome back. I hope you enjoyed your break and had lots of Easter eggs. The next few weeks can be challenging, especially with exams and dissertations looming for some of you. One thing that can make your life a bit easier is using Discover More to find information. This is our search tool that allows you to search the majority of our electronic journals and databases at the same time.
As well as the simple search box that comes up when you open Discover More from the library catalogue it also has an Advanced Search feature which allows you to: select the data field you want to search e,g, title, abstract; limit you search and construct more complex searches. For more details of how to use this and improve your searching take a look at the Help section in Discover More (top right hand of screen) and look at Advanced Search.
If you need any further help pop up to the Ask desk on the 1st floor of the University Library between 9am – 7pm weekdays or email [email protected]
Yvonne Smith
Academic Liaison Librarian (FAS & Research)