Next week sees the start of the Learning Services programme ‘Steps to Academic Success’. This is a range of academic skills workshops, providing students with opportunities to help them succeed at University.
Our programme is aimed at all students – full time, part-time, postgraduate and runs from 5th October to 11th December. We have developed the sessions based on feedback and requests from academic staff, students we see at our one to one sessions and the staff who work with students at our help points.
The programme we have prepared will hopefully pick up on some of these key development areas in Semester 1 – referencing, unpicking that first assignment but also includes support for 3rd years beginning their dissertations, a session to support students moving from level 6 to level 7 and a session for those returning to study.
Also for the first time, we are running a range of the sessions on Saturday 10th November.
We are keen to promote the programme as much as possible and you may have seen our postcards in the library, the HUB and faculty buildings. For more details and to find out more information about how we support students, our assignment help pages within the new Learning Services web site is a great place to start.
If you interested in attending one of our sessions, please book online.
We are keen to hear your feedback and also suggestions for future workshops so keep in touch and leave us a comment.
Rachel Bury
Academic Liaison Manager – Quality Marketing and Communication