Learning Services are currently reviewing their web pages. This involves a number of different techniques, but essentially we’re asking for your feedback on our pages (edgehill.ac.uk/ls).
One of the methods we are using is an online survey. All you need to do is have a look at our pages and fill in the one page survey following the link below
We will not collect your name or any other data –apart from the answers of course!– so you can be as honest as you like. This is your chance to tell us what you like/dislike about our pages, if there’s anything you would like adding or anything that you don’t think is useful.
What’s in it for you? Well, there are no grand prizes, but we are hoping that with your feedback we will be better able to understand the needs of our users (that’s you!) and therefore provide an easier and more effective way of presenting the vast information available. In return you will have an improved experience of using our pages and you will be able to access that information quicker!
So, if you’re a student or a member of staff and spare a few minutes, go ahead and make your views heard!