Want to find out how social media can help you find out about developments in your field? Would you like to automatically receive information about new articles and books published on your research area? Then come along to one of the ‘Keeping up to Date’ workshops.
The workshop introduces you to the tools and techniques to help you stay informed of developments in your areas of research and academic interest. The session looks at automatic information alerts, e.g. from the British Library or electronic journal collections, and the use of social media to facilitate conversation and collaboration. Media such as blogs, RSS feeds, Twitter, academia.edu and virtual research environments will be explored.
This session is for all researchers and educators who want to learn more about the role technology can play in improving information delivery and understand how social media facilitates conversation and collaboration.
The sessions are being held on:
30th January 2012 10.00am – 12.00 noon
16th March 2012 10,00am – 12.00 noon
To book:
Staff: book through the Staff Development Wiki
Students: Contact Yvonne Smith on 01695 584300 or email smithy@edgehill,ac,uk
For more information contact Yvonne Smith x4300.