Learning Services has developed a range of new resources to help and support you during the first few months of your studies or for anyone wanting to refresh their approach. We have produced a number of videos with three specifically around developing your academic writing skills.
Referencing and avoiding plagiarism
Planning your assignment
Introduction to academic writing
We also have information which will signpost you to study skills books and guidance and our own short guides to punctuation.
All of the information is available through the Learning Services web pages so you can access it 24/7.
We will also be running some work shops very soon, we will keep you posted via this blog and Twitter (follow us @EHULearnService).
You can also come and see us at the ‘Ask’ desk on the first floor of the University Library in Ormskirk.
We hope you find the videos helpful, please let us know what you think or if you have any other ideas for videos we could produce which would support academic skills.
Good luck
Rachel Bury Academic Liaison Manager