Staff Development Overview Sessions have been running since July to give staff a first look at the Windows 7 operating system with Microsoft Office 2010. Further sessions are scheduled and I would encourage you to come along as there is important information conveyed regarding file structures and where to find your files.
Sessions are just 40 minutes in duration and you get the opportunity to try out the new features for yourself. You can register for a session via the staff development wiki.
Venue: LiNC Open Access IT Lab 2
Monday 12th September 11:00 am
Wednesday 14th September 9:30 am
Thursday 15th September 2:00 pm
Venue: LiNC Development Room S 7
Tuesday 20th 9:30 am
Thursday 22nd 3:00 pm
As a result of the upgrades currently being deployed by colleagues in ITS and Learning Services, we will all soon have a new login screen which will take us to the Edge Hill University Desktop.
(Click image for expanded view)
Student facing PCs are being upgraded first so all teaching and lecture rooms will be running the Windows 7 operating system with Microsoft Office 2010.
As those of you who are Sunray (Sunny) users will already know, the move to Office 2010 is a painless one as it uses the same Ribbon interface which we know and now love in Office 2007. The Ribbon replaced the traditional menus and toolbars of previous versions of Microsoft Office and groups together commands and tools and provides additional ribbons when working with specific objects.
(Click image for expanded view)
The 2010 Ribbon has the addition of an old friend the File menu!! The File tab is the first on the left in each application, shown here in Microsoft Word. It is known as ‘backstage view’ and allows you to work with a number of features for managing your files within the application.
The layout of the Ribbon is very similar to that in Office 2007 with some new additional features. Some of those features are improved graphics handling for pictures and photographs, paste previews when copying information and screenshot options for capturing views of your computer screen. New professional themes and transitions are also available in PowerPoint and they are now on separate tabs.
So come along and be prepared for the change. Jenny Jordan and I look forward to seeing you at a session.
Elaine Czotter
ICT Staff Development Co-ordinator