Turnitin Feedback Studio: Ready for marking
As we are swiftly heading on through this semester and towards end of term assessments we thought it would be helpful to once again highlight marking through Turnitin. Turnitin recently released Feedback Studio; an updated and revamped way of marking papers with some nifty new features such as page navigation and Grading/Similarity layers. Access to…
Facts and Figures about Mobile Technology
Over the last 40 years, mobile technology developments have changed the way we engage with content, communicate, collaborate and learn. Device ownership has reached a critical mass globally, with CISCO (2013) reporting that by the end of this year there will be more mobile-connected devices than there are people on earth! In the UK, 61%…
Turnitin for iPad has arrived!
What do a sofa and a bus have in common? They are both places you can use the new Turnitin for iPad app to give your students really good feedback! OK, so maybe you don’t imagine yourself on a bus… but a lot of you have been asking for an app to help you mark…
A collaborative experience that engages everyone, every time, everywhere
It is now possible to engage with your students wherever they are. Keep them engaged offering them collaborative and interactive activities and a learning experience. This can be done all through the new platform Blackboard Collaborate. It allows you to create virtual classrooms to deliver presentations, show videos, show websites, communicate synchronously in real time,…
Blackboard Mobile and Clinical Education
I was recently asked to present on how the Clinical Education programme uses Blackboard Mobile to deliver their blended learning courses to students. Unfortunately I couldn’t be there on the day – so I made a video to demonstrate instead. The video demonstrates how the Clinical Education programme organises it’s Blackboard course to be mobile…
Accessible and Inclusive Design: Session Notes
For those who couldn’t make it to this week’s session on creating accessible content I thought it would be worth making the session notes available. In the session we looked at how content uploaded to Edge Hill’s Learning Edge online learning environment can be created in ways that make it more accessible to a wide…
Taking the online survey to the student.
How FM and LTD used tablet technologies for a student survey. In December Facilities Management wanted to know more about how students were using the HUB, and more specifically, the food services within the new building. They were considering how they could take a survey to the students, to encourage engagement, and maximise responses. Danielle…
Mobile Matters
Are you using the Blackboard Mobile Learn app yet? The mobile app for Learning Edge (Blackboard 9.1) has been available for a good few weeks now, so we thought it would be a good time to look at how much it’s being used. What we found makes fascinating reading! The last month alone saw 9,343…
Learning Edge goes mobile!
We are pleased to announce some exciting news … Learning Edge (Blackboard 9.1) has an app! The Blackboard Mobile Learn app can be accessed by anyone with a smartphone or tablet device (iPhone, iPod, iPad, Blackberry, Android) for easy and convenient access to courses and collaboration and communication tools whilst on the go. The app…