I was recently asked to present on how the Clinical Education programme uses Blackboard Mobile to deliver their blended learning courses to students. Unfortunately I couldn’t be there on the day – so I made a video to demonstrate instead.
The video demonstrates how the Clinical Education programme organises it’s Blackboard course to be mobile friendly to the students studying on the modules. As busy doctors, working long days and looking after families they find it difficult to get dedicated time to study and so the introduction of Blackboard Mobile Learn has enabled them to record their reflections at times that may ordinarily be lost – travelling, in between shifts or at coffee breaks.
Using the mobile friendly tools enables an excellent user experience for the students where they are able to communicate with each other through online discussion forums or profile blogs, keep up to date with reading materials from the PDF content or receive announcements about upcoming key dates or activities.
Watch the video to see and learn how clinical education do things the mobile way!
Clinical Education iPad Tour – Edge Hill University
Carol Chatten
Learning Technology Development Officer