• Marking with Marky Mark – Managing the marking period stress free

    Yes, it’s that time of year again… Exams are in full flow, the academic year is beginning to come to a close (for students perhaps!) and that means one thing… marking! It can be a stressful time for tutors with the (virtual) mountains of papers requiring a critical eye cast over them, for this reason…

  • Time for Students to Lead Online?

    Staff, and students alike have deliberated long and hard over when, where, and how they can work more collaboratively, either in taught sessions, while engaging in a group activity, or during activities that require distance participation. Look no further, Learning Services has the right solution for you, in the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool. There is greater emphasis…

  • Turnitin Feedback Studio: Ready for marking

    As we are swiftly heading on through this semester and towards end of term assessments we thought it would be helpful to once again highlight marking through Turnitin. Turnitin recently released Feedback Studio; an updated and revamped way of marking papers with some nifty new features such as page navigation and Grading/Similarity layers. Access to…

  • Blackboard Student Mobile App

    The summer brought a number of changes to the learning technologies used in the University and one in particular I wanted to highlight here is the new Blackboard Student Mobile App available for iOS, Android and Windows mobiles and tablets. It is radically different to the previous app (Mobile Learn) having had a complete redesign.…

  • BBC-featured History quiz engages students in HEA project

    BBC-featured History quiz engages students in HEA project

    Reflections on ‘What Kind of Historian are you?’ Quiz According to Mason Norton (Edge Hill University) and Dan Taylor (University of Roehampton), in history, there are four broad categories of historian: Empiricist Postmodernist ‘historian from below’ ‘top-down’ The categories emerged as part of the Developing Historical Thinking project run by Edge Hill and Roehampton, when…

  • What Does Your Blackboard Course Look Like to Students?

    Academics sometimes want to check what students can see and do within their Blackboard Courses. One way to see a student view is to select the ‘Enter Student Preview’ button at the top right of the screen. An alternative is to set up a student account for long term use. This can be done using…

  • Accessible and Inclusive Design: iSpring Version

    For those who couldn’t make it to the recent session on creating accessible content I thought it would be worth making a version of the session available. In the session we looked at how content uploaded to Edge Hill’s Learning Edge online learning environment can be created in ways that make it more accessible to…

  • Introducing Blackboard Spaces

    If you open the Global Navigation menu in Blackboard, you will see that the bottom icon on the menu links to a tool called Spaces. These are very simple social spaces that anyone can set up and invite people to. Members of a Space can create their own posts and comment on posts written by…

  • The Best of Learning Edge: Nominations for Excellent Modules (+Student Prize Draw)

    Students, has your lecturer created a great Learning Edge module to help your studies. Was it easy to navigate? Did it use multimedia? Encourage collaboration? Include interactivity and support? Learning Technology Development (LTD) would like to know more about how lecturers use Learning Edge in ways that you find interesting, innovative or helpful. By finding out,…

  • A collaborative experience that engages everyone, every time, everywhere

    It is now possible to engage with your students wherever they are. Keep them engaged offering them collaborative and interactive activities and a learning experience. This can be done all through the new platform Blackboard Collaborate. It allows you to create virtual classrooms to deliver presentations, show videos, show websites, communicate synchronously in real time,…